Two House Homeland Security subcommittees will convene Feb. 27—one focused on the Transportation Security Agency (TSA), the other on doing business with the Department of Homeland Security.
The Transportation and Protective Security subcommittee will “examine how TSA engages with the traveling public, through interactions at the checkpoint, customer service contact centers, and social media.”
Witnesses for this hearing include Christine Griggs, acting assistant administrator, Civil Rights and Liberties Ombudsman and Travel Engagement at TSA; Stacey Fitzmaurice, deputy assistant administrator, Office of Security Operations at TSA; and Harper Jean Tobin, director of policy, National Center for Transgender Equality.
At 2 p.m. the same day, the Oversight and Management Efficiency Subcommittee will tackle issues of contractor vetting. “The proposed hearing will allow Members the opportunity to hear from industry representatives on the challenges and inconsistencies they encounter doing business with DHS,” according to the committee’s website.
Witnesses for this hearing include Charles E. Allen, senior intelligence advisor, Intelligence and National Security Alliance; Marc Pearl, president and CEO, Homeland Security & Defense Business Council; David J. Berteau, president and CEO, Professional Services Council; and Brandon LaBonte, president and CEO, ArdentMC.
Click here to watch Transportation and Protective Security Subcommittee hearing and here to watch the Oversight and Management Efficiency Subcommittee hearing.
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