From In Homeland Security During the Cold War, it was common to discuss the various forms of socialism and communism. The intelligence community was well aware of this, and analysts were often well-versed in The Communist Manifesto. When it comes to combating Islamic extremism, the same level of expertise is needed. Understanding Extremism When studying […]
Analyzing Military Cooperation Agreement with India
From In Homeland Security After 10 years of negotiations, India and the United States signed a military cooperation agreement earlier this month. The new accord provides for the sale of U.S. communications equipment and other items, such as armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), to India. In return, India will join the Communications Compatibility and Security […]
Premature North Korea Peace Declaration is Dangerous
Heritage Foundation Senior Research Fellow Bruce Klingner warned against a premature peace declaration with North Korea in an issue brief published Sept. 18. He added that North Korea should show verifiable commitment to ending its nuclear ambitions before a second summit between North Korea and the United States. “A peace declaration would be a historic […]
CSIS: Pressure Pakistan for Harboring Insurgents
With Pakistan a continuing sanctuary for insurgent fighters in Afghanistan since 9/11, the United States should adopt a harder stance against Afghanistan’s rogue neighbor, according to a report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). “A continuing failure to curb the Taliban and Haqqani Network’s sanctuary in Pakistan will undermine Washington’s ability to […]
Perspective: Examining Chain of Command Relevance Today
From WAR ROOM—Online Journal of the U.S. Army War College Without a doubt, the chain of command is one of the most durable concepts in military organizations. From Roman times until present, the chain of command fixed formal authorities and accountability from the highest leader to the front line soldier. It made the generation, issuing, […]