The heartbreaking and tragic events last week at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, reminded us of the dangers that exist for our schools. In this case, an active shooter, Nikolas Cruz, gained access to school grounds and used his AR-15 semi-automatic weapon to claim the lives of 17 victims.
Schools nationwide have varying levels of security measures in place to prevent this type of tragedy. However, there is a definite need for a more proactive approach to protecting our nation’s schools.
Schools Need Better Access Controls to Improve Their Security
The most significant security hazard on school campuses is easy access into school grounds by someone who intends to cause harm. Protection ranges from no fencing or barriers to an inadequate fencing system that can be easily be penetrated by someone who seeks to injure or kill others. Indeed, some school campuses are open to everyone.
What is needed is a more comprehensive fencing system that prevents entry to every school property in all areas except at the entrances. This fencing system should be located as far from the main buildings as possible.
If someone were to get through the fence, students and staff could see the threat long before the assailant reaches school buildings and the main areas of the campus. They would have more time to take cover and put the school on lockdown.
The doors into the front office area should be the only way into a school. All students, staff and parents should be allowed to enter the school only through a main lobby. There should be two sets of doors adjacent to the parent pickup area and the bus loading areas.
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