Registration for the March 15 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Vendor Outreach Session opens at noon Eastern Standard Time on Thursday, March 8. In honor of Women’s History Month, the March sessions are open only to woman-owned small businesses. The sessions are an opportunity for small businesses to connect with DHS officials and prime contractors.
“The primary purpose is to give the small businesses an opportunity to discuss their capabilities, learn about procurement opportunities by meeting with the DHS small business specialists, who work in our DHS components, and also several large business prime contractors each month,” said Kevin Boshears, director, DHS Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, in an interview with Homeland411 last year.
Businesses interested in participating in the vendor outreach sessions must create a profile to participate, and its in the vendor’s best interest to create the profile before the day of registration.
Space for these highly sought-after sessions fills up extremely quickly, so those interested are encouraged to register as soon as registration opens. Boshears also recommends that companies do their homework before attending sessions. Visit the “monthly research” section of the registration page for more information.
DHS holds the sessions at the Homeland Security Acquisition Institute, 90 K St., NE, in Washington, D.C.
There are no sessions in April, as DHS participates in the Government Procurement Conference (formerly the OSDBU Procurement Conference).
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